Sunday, 25 March 2012

Are There Ab Belts That Work?

An ab belt (abdominal belt) is actually an electronic muscle stimulator designed to work out and tone the abdominal muscles without the need for rigorous and strenuous exercise. But what we all want to know is do these ab belts work? They certainly work in the area for which they were originally designed which is for use in the rehabilitation of medical patients, as they were used to prevent muscle wastage by keeping the muscles stimulated and active. However the premise of this medical equipment was quickly adopted by the health and fitness sector as a way of working out muscle without actual exercise. yen sao hitech review dac san hue hue tourism vietnam how to weight loss cute girl hue tourism vietnam dac san xu hue how to solve rubik how to tie a tie giấy dán tường ky nang ban hang tieu luan triet de thi dai hoc luan van ngan hang kinh doanh quoc te luan van thac sy luận văn thạc sỹ ngu phap tieng anh
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